2 cups plain yogurt (one cup can be vanilla if you want a little extra sweetness)
1/2 cup each: strawberries, raspberries, peaches, blueberries (frozen)
1 banana
Orange Juice (As needed. I usually add a little as I blend until it gets to a consistency I like)
Stick everything in the blender and give it a good pulse. Make sure you add a little liquid if it seems like it isn't moving. Blend until you've got a consistency you like, adding juice as you go. When you're pleased, take your pop molds and fill until you've got about half an inch left at the top - these will expand as they freeze. Of course, your little Wild One will probably want to help.
Once you've got that all figured out, you'll need to find space in your freezer. This is the hardest part. They need to be fairly upright, but if you're life me and you've purchased enough frozen veggies in case Armageddon becomes a movie based on real life, you'll need to do some rearranging.
Give them a night to freeze. If they don't come out right away when you try to bust them out, warm the container a little in your hand or let them sit on the counter for five minutes or so. Then, enjoy! These can get pretty messy, so they are best enjoyed outside (or inside with a towel!)