Friday, May 11, 2012

Look what we did!

I didn't have anything planned Thursday, so at 7 am I decided to have a baby. He arrived at 11:46 am, which was great, because I was ready for lunch. We had a fantastic birth experience at Special Beginnings, which released us a few hours later with the blessing of my midwife and his nurse. He was 19 inches long and 6 pounds, 14 ounces and nurses like a champ.

 Wild Child isn't quite sure what to do with the Tiny Wild One yet. So far all he knows is that mom's lap time is limited now and he's watching more Sesame Street more the last two days than he's used to. Luckily Dad is home and is able to spend some extra time playing so he doesn't feel like baby is getting all the attention. Look at my sons; aren't they precious?
Here's a photo of just the Tiny One:
 And of course, all my boys:

I am one lucky momma!


  1. He's precious, Drea! Congratulations to you guys. I hope you're feeling great and that having a second child will bring you many more exciting adventures!

  2. Aww!! Yay!!! Congrats family :)
